
Oh dear, did you realize that it’s the second month of 2012 already?

And im still at my cny post, hahahaha. So horrible.
But im still here to complete it as soon as possible! 🙂

My babygirl looking upset when she knows that the whole family is heading out again.
Awww, my cutest fluffball. It’s so fluffy im going to die, Fluffehhhhhh ♥

On our way to my 三叔公’s house! 🙂
Oh gawdddd, we look really alike here! Hehehe.

My cousin Junyi!
Her two favourite living things on the earth apart from her family has got to be Jessie and Xiaobai!

Hahahaha, it’s been a year since we see her and she still remembers them! 🙂
I hate to say this, but time flies!

I could still clearly remember her being a toddler and she’s already primary two now?!?!?!
She is really smart and good at talking. She stared at me for awhile and told me i look like her friend. LOL.
I find it so hilarious because she looked so serious please! What’s running in kid’s mind nowadays? :p

My cutest nephew, Ryan!
I am missing him already. Hahahah.

He’s already attending pre-school and he sounds really adorable when he speaks! 🙂

Hawhawhaw, check out Jess and her 格格’s headgear together with a reluctant looking Ryan boy!

Outfit of the day:

Tinklebell beaded tank in creme, Florals Blossoms Paperbag Skirt in Red Poppies, I Hearts You Belt in Camel! 🙂
Check out my mum’s OTD too, TTR Basic Tank in Electric Blue.

Hahahaha, she looks super bright that day! (Y)

Sophie arrives shortly after us!
Everyone wants a shot with the boy, WAI SHO KUTEZ :>

I love this picture!
My grandparents looks so sweet together 😀

With Sissy looking great in her polkadots bustier dress!
Me likey 😉

Evanbaby wearing couple wear with his daddy again! 🙂
Last shot at my 3rd uncle’s place before we head home and prepare early dinner for the crowd!

Love it when everyone comes to my place on the second day of CNY!
The more the merrier! 😉

Sissy’s OTD! 🙂

The best part about everyone coming to my place.
We get to wear anything we are comfortable with! 🙂

Someone looking gluttony.
Hahaha, displaying all the goodies out!

Too overwhelm with the crowd. Hahaha she loves it when people come to visit 😀
Picking up all the pineapple tarts left overs my relatives dropped on the floor, celebrating CNY with us too. Hahaha.

Wearing her new outfit to show off to everyone!
She looks so dainty with the kimono 🙂

My cute little neighbour who calls for xiaobai everyday when he comes home!
Love his bowl cut. Heheh. Cuteness x 10 😀

Kid’s favourite toy at my house: Xiaobai.
She got chased and carried around, made her so tired at the end of the day! ❤

Fans of Fairylights Fishtail Skirt!

We invited all our boys over too! 😀

Totally in love with this joyous occasion.
Can’t believe that i have to wait for another 12 months more to another CNY T_T

It’s always good to have something to look forward to. Right?
Time for some soap opera, to bed and to school tomorrow!

Goodnight, you little pumpkins.

Gong Xi Gong Xi

Im finally back, full with energy! Hehehe.

Blame it on the sick bug that wouldn’t go away even after popping free flow of panadols.

Sleep and panadol would always do the trick.
But i guess not this time round because i was down with throat infection.

It is really bad and im glad that i managed to recover before CNY arrived! 🙂

And what’s CNY without of pineapple tarts? 😉
My dad would always get so enthusiastic about it and gather the ingredients for us a week before CNY.

Hahahaha, im so sad i didn’t get to help out much this year! ):
Got chased away to bed cause Sissy thinks that I need to clear off my sleeping debt.

Hehehe, my little princess is so tiny that she can fit into Ben’s cap and feel comfortable in it.

Pot of goodness.

Yummmmeh! Homecooked food is the best ♥
And it’s the best of both worlds when everyone sit down together and have a good meal 🙂

The great mummy behind the kitchen whipping out all the awesome dishes! 😀
Love her the most!

It’s been so long since i return home for a proper dinner.
What a bad daughter ):

Man, I really dislike outside food.
Hopefully i will have more time and go home for dinner everyday from now on!

Father And Mother I Love You! 🙂

And including our babygirl for the reunion dinner too!
Heheh, how can we forget about her?

She had her own share of good food, leading a good life huh princess? :>

Getting ready for CNY! 😀

Sitting down in the living room in our new pyjamas, watching the countdown programme, painting our nails.
Doing the same thing every year but never get sick of it. Hahahaha,  that’s how cny should be like.

Headed to my aunt’s place first as usual! 🙂
We usually spammed the most photos there because everyone still looks fresh and good.

Haha, towards the end of the day = Shag = no more photos for the day.
Just enjoy the remaining of day one!

In Oriental Meets Polkadots Cheongsam and Sissy in La Vie En Embroidery Dress!
Received compliments from my relatives. Hehehe.

Guess the cutting for both of the dresses are very flattering! 😀

My beautiful and smart sisters 😉

Reyyan baby boy! 🙂

He’s in good mood that morning! Hehehe, get to play with him and not seeing his grumpy usual self.
Love him no matter what.

Cause when he smiles, you will melt.
Too adorable! Scroll down and you will see how cute this nephew of mine is. Hahaha.

Mesmerize by all the beautiful ladies.
Hahahaha, he can’t stop staring for some reasons.

A perfect shot that i took for him when he’s staring at the camera!
I wanna faint already, what’s up with his only two teeth at the front.

Too cute or what. Hahahaha.

“Yay, im a happy boy!”

Okay, after all the exchange of mandrin oranges and ang baos, it’s our annual photo taking session again.
Hahaha, it is amazing and fun when we compared all the CNY photos last night.

From year 2010 to 2012, we definitely had some changes in us 🙂

Check out Reyyan’s happy face!
Feel like pinching his cheeks. * pedophile mode* :p

With my most beloved aunt, uncle, cousin and nephew! 🙂

Wearing matchy polo tee with his daddy!
So gonna force my kid and husband to wear the same thing in the future too. HAHAHA

Same spot, same people 🙂
My dad really dislike to take photo. Every year also the same face D:

And to grandma’s place! 😀
I love to hang out at her place because it is where I’ve been spending my childhood with my sisters and cousins.

Oh, good old memories 🙂
The nightmare only started when i had to go for tuition somewhere nearby.
Hahaha, but i would always look forward to head back to grandma’s place and watch Tom and Jerry at the living room.

ORIGHTS, moving on!

New addition to our family, Jacynth!
Check out her natural eyebags, hehehe.

She looks like she has been crying for hours T_T

我最爱的外婆 ♥

希望她们都能身体健康 ,长命百岁! 🙂

And the gambling starts, what’s cny without blackjack?

Hehehe, we would always get so hooked up and continue the visiting on the following weekend just to gather and have a few rounds of blackjack. Gonna have one last visiting next weekend at my uncle’s place! YAYYYYYYYY 😀

We should all get 15 days of public holiday like China.
Can’t get over CNY, hahaha ):

With Kat!!! 😀

Cheongsam girls!
Hahahaha, our pose damn phailz.  Act yi ge oriental please.

Last picture of the day!
Feel so tired after visiting and catching up for the entire day. Dozed off on the couch with sissy after the dinner.

Omg, are we getting old or what? D:
Hahahaha, can’t get enough of sleep. I guess i just need one day to pay back all my sleep debts!

I just love to sleep. Hehehe, even though it’s such a waste of time! :p

Gonna reply the last few emails and off to watch 步步惊心!
(new addiction) hahaha!

And there’s school tomorrow ): BOOOOO.
Till here!

Ask me ant knee tink