
Oh dear, did you realize that it’s the second month of 2012 already?

And im still at my cny post, hahahaha. So horrible.
But im still here to complete it as soon as possible! 🙂

My babygirl looking upset when she knows that the whole family is heading out again.
Awww, my cutest fluffball. It’s so fluffy im going to die, Fluffehhhhhh ♥

On our way to my 三叔公’s house! 🙂
Oh gawdddd, we look really alike here! Hehehe.

My cousin Junyi!
Her two favourite living things on the earth apart from her family has got to be Jessie and Xiaobai!

Hahahaha, it’s been a year since we see her and she still remembers them! 🙂
I hate to say this, but time flies!

I could still clearly remember her being a toddler and she’s already primary two now?!?!?!
She is really smart and good at talking. She stared at me for awhile and told me i look like her friend. LOL.
I find it so hilarious because she looked so serious please! What’s running in kid’s mind nowadays? :p

My cutest nephew, Ryan!
I am missing him already. Hahahah.

He’s already attending pre-school and he sounds really adorable when he speaks! 🙂

Hawhawhaw, check out Jess and her 格格’s headgear together with a reluctant looking Ryan boy!

Outfit of the day:

Tinklebell beaded tank in creme, Florals Blossoms Paperbag Skirt in Red Poppies, I Hearts You Belt in Camel! 🙂
Check out my mum’s OTD too, TTR Basic Tank in Electric Blue.

Hahahaha, she looks super bright that day! (Y)

Sophie arrives shortly after us!
Everyone wants a shot with the boy, WAI SHO KUTEZ :>

I love this picture!
My grandparents looks so sweet together 😀

With Sissy looking great in her polkadots bustier dress!
Me likey 😉

Evanbaby wearing couple wear with his daddy again! 🙂
Last shot at my 3rd uncle’s place before we head home and prepare early dinner for the crowd!

Love it when everyone comes to my place on the second day of CNY!
The more the merrier! 😉

Sissy’s OTD! 🙂

The best part about everyone coming to my place.
We get to wear anything we are comfortable with! 🙂

Someone looking gluttony.
Hahaha, displaying all the goodies out!

Too overwhelm with the crowd. Hahaha she loves it when people come to visit 😀
Picking up all the pineapple tarts left overs my relatives dropped on the floor, celebrating CNY with us too. Hahaha.

Wearing her new outfit to show off to everyone!
She looks so dainty with the kimono 🙂

My cute little neighbour who calls for xiaobai everyday when he comes home!
Love his bowl cut. Heheh. Cuteness x 10 😀

Kid’s favourite toy at my house: Xiaobai.
She got chased and carried around, made her so tired at the end of the day! ❤

Fans of Fairylights Fishtail Skirt!

We invited all our boys over too! 😀

Totally in love with this joyous occasion.
Can’t believe that i have to wait for another 12 months more to another CNY T_T

It’s always good to have something to look forward to. Right?
Time for some soap opera, to bed and to school tomorrow!

Goodnight, you little pumpkins.

Gong Xi Gong Xi

Im finally back, full with energy! Hehehe.

Blame it on the sick bug that wouldn’t go away even after popping free flow of panadols.

Sleep and panadol would always do the trick.
But i guess not this time round because i was down with throat infection.

It is really bad and im glad that i managed to recover before CNY arrived! 🙂

And what’s CNY without of pineapple tarts? 😉
My dad would always get so enthusiastic about it and gather the ingredients for us a week before CNY.

Hahahaha, im so sad i didn’t get to help out much this year! ):
Got chased away to bed cause Sissy thinks that I need to clear off my sleeping debt.

Hehehe, my little princess is so tiny that she can fit into Ben’s cap and feel comfortable in it.

Pot of goodness.

Yummmmeh! Homecooked food is the best ♥
And it’s the best of both worlds when everyone sit down together and have a good meal 🙂

The great mummy behind the kitchen whipping out all the awesome dishes! 😀
Love her the most!

It’s been so long since i return home for a proper dinner.
What a bad daughter ):

Man, I really dislike outside food.
Hopefully i will have more time and go home for dinner everyday from now on!

Father And Mother I Love You! 🙂

And including our babygirl for the reunion dinner too!
Heheh, how can we forget about her?

She had her own share of good food, leading a good life huh princess? :>

Getting ready for CNY! 😀

Sitting down in the living room in our new pyjamas, watching the countdown programme, painting our nails.
Doing the same thing every year but never get sick of it. Hahahaha,  that’s how cny should be like.

Headed to my aunt’s place first as usual! 🙂
We usually spammed the most photos there because everyone still looks fresh and good.

Haha, towards the end of the day = Shag = no more photos for the day.
Just enjoy the remaining of day one!

In Oriental Meets Polkadots Cheongsam and Sissy in La Vie En Embroidery Dress!
Received compliments from my relatives. Hehehe.

Guess the cutting for both of the dresses are very flattering! 😀

My beautiful and smart sisters 😉

Reyyan baby boy! 🙂

He’s in good mood that morning! Hehehe, get to play with him and not seeing his grumpy usual self.
Love him no matter what.

Cause when he smiles, you will melt.
Too adorable! Scroll down and you will see how cute this nephew of mine is. Hahaha.

Mesmerize by all the beautiful ladies.
Hahahaha, he can’t stop staring for some reasons.

A perfect shot that i took for him when he’s staring at the camera!
I wanna faint already, what’s up with his only two teeth at the front.

Too cute or what. Hahahaha.

“Yay, im a happy boy!”

Okay, after all the exchange of mandrin oranges and ang baos, it’s our annual photo taking session again.
Hahaha, it is amazing and fun when we compared all the CNY photos last night.

From year 2010 to 2012, we definitely had some changes in us 🙂

Check out Reyyan’s happy face!
Feel like pinching his cheeks. * pedophile mode* :p

With my most beloved aunt, uncle, cousin and nephew! 🙂

Wearing matchy polo tee with his daddy!
So gonna force my kid and husband to wear the same thing in the future too. HAHAHA

Same spot, same people 🙂
My dad really dislike to take photo. Every year also the same face D:

And to grandma’s place! 😀
I love to hang out at her place because it is where I’ve been spending my childhood with my sisters and cousins.

Oh, good old memories 🙂
The nightmare only started when i had to go for tuition somewhere nearby.
Hahaha, but i would always look forward to head back to grandma’s place and watch Tom and Jerry at the living room.

ORIGHTS, moving on!

New addition to our family, Jacynth!
Check out her natural eyebags, hehehe.

She looks like she has been crying for hours T_T

我最爱的外婆 ♥

希望她们都能身体健康 ,长命百岁! 🙂

And the gambling starts, what’s cny without blackjack?

Hehehe, we would always get so hooked up and continue the visiting on the following weekend just to gather and have a few rounds of blackjack. Gonna have one last visiting next weekend at my uncle’s place! YAYYYYYYYY 😀

We should all get 15 days of public holiday like China.
Can’t get over CNY, hahaha ):

With Kat!!! 😀

Cheongsam girls!
Hahahaha, our pose damn phailz.  Act yi ge oriental please.

Last picture of the day!
Feel so tired after visiting and catching up for the entire day. Dozed off on the couch with sissy after the dinner.

Omg, are we getting old or what? D:
Hahahaha, can’t get enough of sleep. I guess i just need one day to pay back all my sleep debts!

I just love to sleep. Hehehe, even though it’s such a waste of time! :p

Gonna reply the last few emails and off to watch 步步惊心!
(new addiction) hahaha!

And there’s school tomorrow ): BOOOOO.
Till here!

Ask me ant knee tink

My perfect weekend

My perfect morning:
Seeing my baby girl lazing on the bed, flipping over waiting for someone to rub her tummy.
We love to disturb her when everyone is up and she is still warming the bed. She’s a lazybum :p
I love her smell and presence, hehehe she is the cutest thing ever! Spam loads of ♥♥♥♥♥

Anyway, I finally decided to be hardworking for once and took some snapshots of my usual weekend spent with my army boy!

Floral paperbag skirt which I kept telling Sissy how much I love the cut and material.
Kept it in other two colours, gonna wear it for new year. YAY! 😀

It’s great to have someone chauffeuring you around.
Heheheh, head to several places to get some work done and stock in at KJ! 😉



HAHAHA, my bag is beyond hope.
Im a very organized person, just that I haven’t got time to take out the things that I don’t need. -___-

(nobody is gonna believe after seeing my bag, hahaha)

Ben basically only bring 3 items out?
Let’s see.. Wallet, Ipod touch and Ear piece.

Why is it so good to be a guy? T_T

And before we managed to drop the stocks at KJ, our stomach is already grumbling like MAD.
Only had breakfast till late noon 4plus?

Was craving for some salmon sashimi and decided on Nihon Mura @Cathay!
It was kind a bad choice though.. );

I was disappointed mainly because their salmon sashimi is not chilled enough? ):
Thought I could solely spam on it, but i guess not~

Their outlet at Singpost was not bad though! They have pretty decent ones.
I should have know.. ):

Filled our tummies and head off to bugis!
Separate our ways early cause i have to be at my godmum’s house early that night to prepare for baby reyyan’s 1st birthday! 🙂

(Shall blog about it again if i have the time! :p)

#Wearyourfavouriteoutfit Sunday
Hahaha, sissy and I actually listed down the dress-code for Monday-Sunday sometime ago.

Have been sticking to the dress-code ever since the day we established it.
So discipline please, hehe :p

Yay, driving out to get some…

Lao Ban Tau Huey!
Weeee, it’s been ages since I have my dosage of tau huey.

Hahaha, look.. It’s so smooth and yummy! 😀

Someone loves it too!
Nah, i guess she just want to photobomb. Hahahaha.

Someone got a new outfit! :O

Ben’s mum bought a Japanese Kimono for xiaobai when she was at Taiwan!

It’s so lovely!

Doesn’t it look so sweet on her?  😉
Gonna keep it till new year and help her put it on!

Whasssssup bro?

Bits and pieces

Before this space starts to grow mould and mushrooms, I thought I should post some pictures up!
Heh, but i haven’t transfer photos from the camera, so i just grabbed some photos from my phone!

My weekends are mostly revolving around my army boy, spending quality time together 🙂
He is having his field camp next week and probably won’t be out till 2 weeks time.

We are well-prepared this time round, gotten an extra battery for the phone so we can at least contact via the phone.
It’s getting so routine that both of us are pretty used to his army life already. Heheh, let’s hope that we can survive this! Im pretty sure i can 😉

Outfit of the day: Vintage 60’s Top in Quarry Blue
Chanel inspired shorts in Black, hopefully we can launch this by early next year! 🙂

Can’t believe that we are already going through the last month of 2011.

This is way too fast!

Well, this year has been rather fulfilling and fruitful.

Hopefully 2012 will be even better! 🙂

Anyway, we randomly lunched at Jack’s Place because this request wasn’t complete last weekend!
Ben has been craving for some steak goodness and we thought that maybe we should pop by Jack’s Place since they have pretty good steak 🙂

Set lunch comes with Soup of the Day, Dessert and Coffee/Tea
Very pocket friendly in our opinion 😉

That pretty much explains why there is a small crowd during their lunch time even though their location is  quite secluded.
We went to  the outlet at Ang Mo Kio, it’s near the library and post office! 🙂

B’s Ribeye steak

Grilled boneless chicken which doesn’t really appeal to me.
I don’t know why but im so sick of chicken, so gonna stay away from it for the time being 😦

Postpone our movie session and went home to play with fluffyprincessdog.
Hahahaha, you bet she was so thrilled to see her boyfriend every weekend.

I think the both of them will have insomnia if they don’t meet for a week.
Im just.. the middle man. So now you know, hehe.

Attended Suan hunny bun’s birthday yesterday at Food for thought! (More photos to come when i transfer the photos!)
Love the cake Kat designed, so thoughtful and nice ^-^

My very own customized breakfast

Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Hashbrowns and Garlic mushroom 😀
The serving is so big, I can’t finish it. Hahaha maybe next time i should just do without one of the sides!

Some OTDs i previously posted on my instagram (follow me at jongsy)! 🙂

#1 Missy Sixties Lampshade Skirt in Cream

#2 Hide and Seek Dress in Triangles

#3 Garden of love knit top (Upcoming)

#4 Surprise me reversible dress in Hot Hot Pink

#5 Stripey Tank Top
Simple Life Midi Skirt in London Red

#6 Lacet Shorts in Wine Red

#7  So much love Top
Ditsy Blonde Skater Skirt in Dodger Blue

Itacho and Laoban! Im so addicted to them. MAD LOVE.
Laoban queue is so horrible sometimes, 51 soyabean is equally nice. Omg 😦

I got myself craving for tau huey again.
I want~

Everyday bed look 😀

My fluffy babygirl.
Love her tons, can’t live without her. ♥

Im so happy cause i baked cookies last night with Jess!
Oh god and they smell so good!! I wish I have more time to bake, it’s really so fun to adventure on different recipes and  sharing it with your love ones! 🙂

More photos of my cookies in my next post 😀 😀 😀

Now, I should head to bed cause i need to drag my lazy ass up tomorrow morning!
Ask me ant knee tink

Month: November

Im missing in action recently, #gulity
I thought ive got nothing much to talk about my life until i realized there’s a whole lot of pictures in the cam waiting for me.

My life has been quite happening ever since my exams have ended.

First up, the MOST important person in my life’s birthday!

Head down to town specially to get her present! 🙂

Grab a cup of sour sally first! 😀

Heheh, i have not been driving ever since the car crash.
My chauffeur for the week 😉

Well, tried driving when i need to send parcels.
Still feeling jittery all over when im at the driver’s seat.

All the horror thoughts that i could ever think of.

Not gonna give up yet!!!!!!!

This is freaky, try turning your head 180 deg and you will realize how much i actually look like Jess.

Surprised mommy with her present and strawberry shortcake just before she made it to work 🙂
She probably thought that all her three daughters are pretty heartless.

Cause we didn’t surprise her with a cake when the clock striked 12.
She was asking where is her cake and all :p

Only managed to cut the cake after momsy is back!
Tired looking, but i love her the best anyway! 😀

Just a simple celebration cause momsy doesn’t want us to do any fanciful arrangement for her birthday.
Hope she loves what we got for her! 🙂

Love mummy the best because she: Can’t stop nagging and getting worried about us
Cook the yummiest food ever
Gives us all the love and concern
Gives us the best

I will love her till the end of the world, XOXO


On the very same day, i went to had bak kut teh with Ben for dinner!
Located at rangoon road. I guess it’s pretty famous for it’s bak kut teh!

I was never a lover of bak kut teh because i dislike the peppery taste.
Had it cause this soon to be army boy have cravings for it, i had to give it -_-

Definitely advised to drive here cause it’s highly inaccessible by walking.
Omg, we had a good 15minutes walk from Jalan Besar cause we took bus 130


Was pretty shocked that it was nicely furnished as compared to a lot of bak kut teh stores!

New discovery: You can actually have bak kut teh with fried dough fritters (YOUTIAO)
Omg, so niceeeee!

I betcha never know about it!
Hahahahahaha, okay or maybe only me :/

Anyway, the bak kut teh has overpowering peppery taste.
Too much D:

Not gonna come back for it againnnnn.
We will search around for nicer bak kut teh and have it when he books out! 🙂

All their side dishes are pretty nice and affordable though.
Filled our tummies to the brimmmm :O

/Bloated like a pufferfish

And did you catch what i said above?
Something like “When he books out”?

Yupppp, this is gonna be the last photo you are going to see Ben with his hair and his favourite furball!! D:

One last picture before he goes into the barber! :’)
Very reluctantly though.. hahaha.

Here we gooooooo :O

Hahahahaha, can’t stop laughing when the barber finish shaving both side of his hair and left some in the middle of his head. The barber is such a joker.

Get over and done with!
Time to go home to pack all the things and get ready for army!!! 🙂

First thing to pack: Who else but xiaobai? 🙂
Hahahaha, she is super kaypo and squiggle herself in his bag when we were preparing to pack his bag!
Missy kaypo.

Being adorable and irritating here.
Hahahaha, #cutiepie no.1

Here’s a sneak peak for you!
Rename his contacts in my phone as: 小和尚 ♥

Picked him up the next day and sent him to Tekong 🙂
Im such a guddie gurlfriend! Hehehe

But the thought of not seeing him for 2 weeks makes me feel ): x 10
No one accompany me to eat lao ban tau huey
No one to help me to send tons and tons of parcels and stocks

Am right here counting down everyday till the 25th of Nov!!! 🙂

Tekong was quite boring so no pictures for that! 🙂

Outfit of the Day  at last!
Went out with my two cute sissies for some brunch goodness time!

Jess in Happy Dots Top in Red and Lace up shorts in black!

My all time favourite hi waist shorts: Ringmaster HWS Shorts in Dark Denim! 🙂
I’ve been wearing the black and navy one so many times!

So glad that we did it in denim material cause im afraid i will worn out mine one day if i keep wearing them out!

And yuppps, this baby will be at our launch tonight at 9pm sharppppp! ;D
Grab it if you love it!

Im wearing size S btw 🙂
Got to go now, see you girls at the launch tonight!!

Ask me ant knee tink

Hectic crazy week

My life have been so mundane, everyday is mugging cause my exam is starting next tuesday.

HORRROR, im totally rushing like mad, cramping and swallowing all the notes i can ):

I miss blogging, god. but no time at all!

Anyway, im still here anyhow! I completed 5 chapters of my Organisational behaviour alright, kind of proud of myself.
Hur. I just hope i can pass. Hahahaha :p

Disty Blonde Skater Skirt in Dodger Blue #thetinselrack
Anddd bookworm rainbow cardigan
My favourite among the lot! ♥

Words can’t explain how much i love the cut of this skirt, reminds me of a mermaid’s tail. Heh 🙂

Popped in the tea house last week before we head for our mugging session.
This girl is having her O’s in just another couple of days, omg no kidding shit.

Im actually feeling jittery for her! But i got 101% confidence in this walking encylopedia 😉

Heh, JT was there too! 🙂

OTD: Confetti Singlet with Ditsy Blonde Skirt in Kelly Green!

And Jess in Rahrah cheerleader skirt in Dots! 😀

Iced berry tea with berry ice cubes!

Our all time favorite shepherd’s pie and lorraine quiche ♥
Feels so good to indulge yourself once awhile, -sink into blissful self-

Baked rice to satisfy JT’s stomach.

And my scones! 🙂 I love it with strawberry jam!
It’s a must order for me everytime im here. #hardcorefan

Back to our office to study 😎
Pretty condusive to study there, surprisely Hahaha, am definitely gonna go back to study tomorrow.

Super nerd until my boyfriend also cannot stand it. Hahahaha.

New discovery in office!
A newly grown mushroom at the window :O

Super gross out pleaseeeeee!

Mushroom terminator to the rescue!

He was so excited to terminate the evil mush and i must admit that he did a good job.
But… we realized we’re still unable to open the window because JT saw a BIGGER mushroom outside the window.



The mushroom can just grow happily outside.

Second colour pick for the skirt!



And last but not least!
A must-have in your wardrobe… HAPPY DOTS TOP in red 🙂

All the OTD above are what i wore out during all my mugging days.
Gonna become a zombie soon, not even kidding. SO STRESSSSSS!!!!!!!

If you’re as stress as me, something to cheer you up!

Heheheh, new clothes always cheer me up ^^
Hope it will make yours too before the week starts again!

JIAYOU JIAYOU! Can’t wait for exams to end! :O

Refer any questions to:



My current self now.
Hahahaha, feeling so miserable ever since i came back from Phuket! :O

Im piled with the never ending projects and work )’:

Someone tell me this is going to end soon.


Gonna blog about something more comforting to cheer my Saturday up!

What else but my precious furball? ((((:

She’s my happy pill and she forever look so carefree and happy.
Eat, sleep, poop, pee, wait for everyone to come home.

Im full of envy, baby girl.

Hahahaha, sometimes i wish that im just a dog.

Took all the above photos on her 4th birthday! ^^
Happy belated birthday xiaobai!!

p.s check out the last photo, my baby girl loves me!
Hahahaha, she’s trying to steal a kiss from me :p

And two more huge ass photos of fur before i bury myself back to the pile of work.

Have a really superb weekend dear! ♥
Enjoy your sunday on my behalf, im just gonna spend my sunday with my projects!


Goodnight!! ♥


Wanted to hit the garden slug for the longest time with my furball xiaobai (:
As the restaurant was located around joo chiat, i thought that it might be better if i could drive there.

So when sissy was at Bangkok, i decided to spend my afternoon there (:
Looking forward to the garden slug, however it just disappoint me.

In terms of food and staff.


Pictures first!! ((:


Had quite a hard time locating the place even with the help of my handy *ahem* GPS.

Brought Jess and JT along cause they are having their mid term holiday now!


Say hello to my new Bangladesh boiphrend terry ♥
This boy became so tanned after he came back from his phuket trip!

Hahaha, charcoal.

Dislike menu without pictures, cause we are only left with the description to play with our imagination.
Hahaha, nevertheless we try to play safe and order the chef recommendations! (:


Peach and lychee soda.
Ive got nothing to say about the soda, all i can taste is soda only.

I don’t know what happen to my lychee syrup ):
They are nice to change a new glass of soda for me though.

Bennyboy’s meatball tomato linguine.

Not too bad, just that the homemade meatballs are a little tad too tough.

Please skip this.
Aglio olio style linguine with chicken strips.

D: D:

JT’s orangey flavoured chicken.

No no as well.

Jess’s roasted beef sandwich.
The softest bread recommended by the staff turns out to be hard as well.

Probably we went there at the wrong time/day.
Everything went wrong.

And my verdict is that, most of the pet friendly restaurants don’t serve good food.
I think the best i had was at bishan park? (:

Should head there for a walk with Xb when the renovation is done over there.
So hard to find a decent pet friendly cafe/restaurant nowadays. Suggestions please! ((:

Furball needs some new place to hangout.
Hehehehe, just a short post before posting up my Hongkong travelogue!


Goodnight folksssssss.

Side kicks of TTR.

I always love to join and be a part of TTR’s photoshoot cause it’s so fun to be around with the TTR crew 😀
Brought the little fluffy one along, she’s the special guest of the shoot!

Look at her with her new hair clips, she looks very happy and girly with it!
Hahahaha 🙂

She loves to hop into bags cause she reckon that if she manage to squeeze herself into our bag we will bring her out.
How smart is sheeeee 😉

Hiding from chuckie!!
Chuckie was super curious about xiaobai and thought that maybe she is her tea time snack.

Hahahaha, chuckie is another dog of my sister’s friend that will appear in the shoot tonight!
They make the photos alive and interesting, living props 😀

Getting ready to be on the camera!!
In her new cute lil red dottie dress 😀

Couldn’t bear letting her wear it for too long cause of the hot sun, took it out after wearing for 5 minutes.
Too torturous ):

Mustard skirttttt!
My take is on the  brick colour one!

Initially didn’t like the brick, but the more i see it, the more i love it!
Howdy fickle minded?

Love the random car plates that were stuck onto the grey wall. (:
Interesting stories behind too. Hehehe.

I took pictures of the vintage beetle as well. But not gonna put it here cause i have to censored the car plate number!
Very lazy to do that. But anyw they will be in the launch tonight 😀

I love to take a ride in the beetle!!
It looks like it can break down on the road anytime!

Spoilt little princess! :>

Last few shoots before i brought her to the NEX!
She totally cannot tahan the weather.

I go all gaga when sissy show me all the photos taken that day!
It’s so nice and vintage, i wanna faint already.

Hahahahaha. DAMNNNN NICE. 😀

I can really look at the photos over and over again.
Heheheh, nuff said. Catch the launch tonight at 9pm sharpppp okay?


Ask me ant knee tink

Loads of love.

Classic old school breakfast to start my saturday right (:
But i hate how the half boiled eggs will stink up your mouth. Hahahaha.

Mummy used to prepare that for breakfast. Yummmmz.

Egg toast with butter and maple syrup (:
It’s so niceeeeeeeee with lots of butter!!

Lover boy’s seafood horfun.
His type of breakfast… is weird.
Hahahaha. Oh well, consider it as our brunch actually.

It’s 11am already by the time we fill our stomach 😛


And it’s our usual date with my baby girl at NEX (:
Even though the weather threaten to rain, but it didn’t 😀 😀

She had a new haircut and appear to be quite moody and listless these few days ):

Check out this polka dot chiffon dress i got her when i was in bangkok!
Smocked back somemore. Hahahaha, this vainpot loves to wear clothes.

Vain princess. (:

Thinking of doing a paw print for her?
I love her paws! 😀

Weather was pretty good today, no strong glaring sun.
Just cloudy.

I’ve got to do more research on new places to bring her around.
Xiaobai is getting bored of NEX, so do i.

Totally zonk out!!
This is how tired she is everytime we bring her out!

Cutecutecute ♥
We are spending our saturday doing the usual stuffs, watching old school 90’s teevee show.
Planning our night, im craving for some chocolate lava cake 😀

I wanna sleep in early today. Have been waking up early these few days and it’s soso torturing.
Im so not a morning person ):

Spending my day with my sissy tmr, cant wait to bake!! 😀
Loving the long weekend!

Till here, toooodles.

Ask me ant knee tink